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We hope you'll join our friendly group and participate in our many fun activities and events!
New members are always welcomed. Attend a meeting and get to know us!
We are always looking for Republican party guest speakers to entertain or enlighten us on topical issues or local campaigns. Are you running for office? Do you represent an organization that we should know about? Can you help educate us on new local legislation or policies? We'd love to hear about you! Please contact us to potentially be added to a future meeting agenda.
You don't have to be a member to volunteer with us for a special event, festival or program. Interested in taking a shift or helping with set-up of festival booth? Or providing literature to hand out at our events? Or donate items for the community groups we help out? Contact us to find out what's on our schedule and how you might be able to help
If you are a registered Republican and you'd like to meet us and see what our group is all about... please join us for one of our monthly meetings! Contact us in advance for details on a free reservation Call or Text 714-489-3206.
We schedule 11 meetings a year with informative and interesting speakers, and during election season, we hold candidate forums. In July we have a fun activity and attend the regional OCGOP/NOC CRA Picnic. and BBQ!
For more information on our club and any of the above activities, or to request a new membership form, please contact: Joanne Ladewig, President
Garden Grove Republican Women
or 714.489.3206