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The roots of our club for Republican Women go back to 1951, making ours the oldest such continuous club FOR WOMEN in Orange County.
We are a fun AND FRIENDLY group of informed women who enjoy networking with like-minded citizens, learning about issues of importance to the Republican Party and supporting our
Conservative Values.
Our club has worked in tandem with the OCGOP (Orange County) "Grand Old Party" - or as we prefer to call it -
We are now aligned with GOLDEN STATE REPUBLICAN WOMEN,
a state-wide advisory organization and "Sisterhood" of Republican Women for independent clubs.
We help to get-out-the-vote for local, county, statewide and national campaigns to elect qualified, responsible Republicans to office. We support local candidates and elections affecting
Garden Grove, Stanton, and Westminster.
We also support the collection of signatures for important propositions, recalls and register voters, train and deploy for poll watching, etc.
We also enjoy promoting a wider knowledge of the principles and policies of the Republican Party.
We proudly support our military by volunteering in programs that directly help our local service men and women and their families.
Rebecca Kleefisch shares the TRUE story of the FIRST woman elected to Congress, and the first STATE to ratify the 19th Amendment, granting women the Right to Vote! And which Party supported the ABOLITION OF SLAVERY? Find out from Rebecca, appointed to lead the Woman's Suffrage Centennial Commission!